To The Surface - 2018-05-19This is a pure exploration game. There is no combat, there are no puzzles. Significant effort went into the sound design and ambiance to try make it interesting but it is an experiment to see if a game where the only achievement is ...
CaveX16 - 2016-07-15This game was made for a game making competetion where the theme was "Underground." It was made in a week. Pretty much the aim is to mine all the crystal in the map. You can use the crystal and ore to buy more/better mining vehicles.
CaveFly - 2015-10-17I'm a fan of spaceships and caves, even if it's 2D. Partly inspired by a game called luola, a split-screen multiplayer game, and partly inspired by a game I developed for a 5x7 dot matrix d...
Neon Ball - 2013-05-02Neon ball is a game made by sdfgeoff over a weekend. The concept came on a Friday evening, and the mechanics was done by the end of the weekend. I then spent a week trying to make levels before giving up and declaring it done.
Sky Pilot - 2013-05-02Sky Pilot is a lunar-lander type game, but in 3D. You have to land gently on the plaftorm before running out of fuel. Nice and simple. This game was originally made for the Blender Game Making Contest number 7. It led the votin...